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Muslim Baby Name Samiyah and It’s Details

Parents in the latest time are eager to keep the most trendy Islamic names for their children. For this, they go to heights just in order to choose the best name for their child. Now for instance, a name that sounds good is not necessarily meant to be a good name because it may lack a proper origin and the authenticity of being Islamic in all it’s sense.

Allah Almighty has ordered to choose good Muslim baby names and there are only 2 ways that it is chosen better. First that it should mean well. The meaning of the name is what determines the authenticity of the name. Also that if the names means wrong in any sense, then it can affect the child’s personality which can backfire if the name is only kept for the sake of being trendy and new.
It’s the other obligation for Muslims to look for the Islamic origin of the name. This is possible by looking if the Popular Muslim baby names are belonging to the Arabic language or any one related. Like for example Persian, Urdu or Turkish. Many names belong from two different origins and their meanings are poles apart. This is why the minute details should not be over looked. Other than that, Muslims do have a free hand at choosing Islamic names for their children of any kind that they feel like and there are no hard and fast rules.

The name chosen today is Samiyah that belongs to Muslim baby girl names and is considered to be
authentic due to the following details. The name means a place for worship and the name belongs to the Urdu origin. It has been connected to the 4 to be used as a lucky number. Friday and Monday are the lucky days as well.


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